Ashwagandha and Whey Protein

If you are one of those stressed-out or nervous type people, you must have come across a mini-speech about the wonders of ashwagandha. With the help of ashwagandha, you not only feel happier but its healing effect is what makes it so effective.

But what is Ashwagandha and why its popularity is increasing?

Ashwagandha is famously known as ‘Indian winter cherry’ or ‘Indian Ginseng’ is an evergreen shrub that grows in India. It is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used in ancient medicine for a very long. Its properties help us to reduce stress, boost energy, health and reduce inflammation. Its medicinal properties that keep your body and mind healthy, is what makes it so special. The name Ashwagandha is derived from a Sanskrit word and each part of ashwagandha is used in some way or the other. In India, the use of ashwagandha has been for ages due to its excellent benefits.

The list of benefits of Ashwagandha is long but here are some of them.

Having a strong immunity is a must in these hard times. When your immunity is strong, your mind and body naturally become strong which helps you fight several diseases, unknown or known. Ashwagandha medicinal properties help to boost your immunity which prevents you from many diseases and keeps you healthy. It also prevents the growth of new cancer cells. Furthermore, ashwagandha’s anti-inflammatory helps calms the inflamed or sensitive skin, providing relief.

Acne and pimples are some of the common problems that every teenager and adult goes through. We always look for chemical products to solve this problem. But ashwagandha root has both antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that protect your skin from infections and acne. It also prevents your skin from ageing, giving you the glow, you have always desired.

Ashwagandha is identified as an adaptogen, which states that it helps the body to adapt the stress. If you are suffering from anxiety or are stressed because of several reasons, using ashwagandha will help your brain function and fight symptoms of anxiety. It normalizes your cortisol levels which help in reducing stress and thus, making you happier and calm.

We at Strava Nutrition aims to deliver products that are healthy for your mind and body. We value and care about our customers. To ensure this, we add ashwagandha to all our products which helps us provide you with products that are safe, healthy and comes with numerous benefits. Our protein shakes and supplements with ashwagandha, provides you with the stamina required to do those sets in the gym or run extra miles. Moreover, its medicinal properties keep your heart healthy and bring the blood cholesterol level down. It also treats many conditions such as ulcers, asthma, vitiligo, diabetes or insomnia. We also believe that with a healthy body, one should also take care of their mind. With ashwagandha in our products, it will refresh you with its soothing effect, keeping you stress-free. The power and the benefits of ashwagandha are numerous, and our mission is to provide you with the best, natural and safe products.

Our growing community trusts us, and we make sure to always live up to your standards. Our wide range of products includes whey protein as an essential ingredient because it has plenty of benefits. Whey protein is a key to getting that lean body and also recovers your muscle after a workout. It is phenomenal and helps you achieve your desired fitness goal.

Let’s discuss the benefits of whey protein in detail.

If you feel that you aren’t intaking the right amount of protein because of your busy schedule or are too lazy to go to the kitchen. Don’t worry, because whey protein is a perfect substitute for your protein needs. It’s convenient and versatile. Also, did you know that your body relies on amino acids and the nine essential amino acids is only acquired from your diet? With whey protein, you will never have to miss any of these. All you need to do is mix it with cold water to create a smooth and delicious drink to get the right protein intake.

Working on that desired body is for sure a challenging task. The soreness after every workout keeps us in the bed. Not anymore. With whey protein, you can reduce that muscle fatigue and get active again. Consuming whey protein after every exercise helps to increase your muscle protein synthesis and glucose uptake for glycogen synthesis in the muscles. This keeps your body and muscles active, also increases the process of muscle recovery.

If you feel hungry most of the time and are trying to lose weight, whey protein is just the right answer for you. Adding whey protein to your diet keeps you fuller for longer and limits overeating. It keeps your calories low and protein intake high, which helps in preserving the lean tissues while trying to lose weight. This avoids loose skin and provides you with a toned body. Moreover, whey protein strengthens your immune system and increases muscle growth & retention. Its richness in leucine, build a lean mass and decrease body fat.

Protein supplements help in achieving your ideal body. Many times, you might have come across people in the gym chugging protein shakes before, during or after their workouts. Therefore, making you all wonder when is the best time to take your whey protein.

While the advantages are clear, the question of when to take whey protein always pops in our minds. Your objectives and workout schedule determine the right time to take whey protein.

To make it easy for you, we have categorized the goals.

If you are working out to gain weight, you need to ensure that you are in a calorie surplus. It means, your calorie intake should be more than you are burning calories throughout the day. Taking whey protein between meals is perfect, as your appetite for other foods is not disturbed.

If you are working out to lose weight, you need to ensure calorie deficit. It means your calorie intake should be less as compared to the calories burnt throughout the day. You can use whey protein as a meal replacement in the evening, which ensures to keep you fuller for a longer time and keeps your calorie intake controlled.

Building muscles is for sure a challenge. To get that muscular and lean body, the right time to consume your shake is before or after your workout, either of the two. This ensures muscle recovery and also prepares you for your next workout by boosting your energy.

Whey protein is a powerful supplement that boosts your energy, provides you with the required protein intake and helps in muscle recovery. If you are starting your journey of fitness or already in between it, taking whey protein is a must. Strava nutrition whey protein is safe, natural and the best in quality. We aim to be a part of the fitness journey of many people with our quality products and build a community of strong and enthusiastic people.

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